Online Portal



© 2023 Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH

We work exclusively on the basis of the "General Austrian Freight Forwarding Conditions (AÖSp)" in the actual version available for inspection with us and on the homepage of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO).

Please note the following:

All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means or incorporated into any data collection system or stored or made separately available in any other way.

All texts, graphics, and images are protected by copyright; their use is only permissible with the express permission of Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH.

All content of the entire website and its parts has been created and monitored with the greatest possible care; however, any liability regarding the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained therein is excluded.

Own links to external websites are only pointers to these websites; they are therefore regularly displayed in a separate browser window using an external link. Spedition “Thomas“ does not identify with the content of the linked pages and assumes no liability for them. If one of the linked pages contains objectionable or unlawful content, please notify us; in such a case, the link will be deleted immediately.

Links to this website, including deep links, are welcome. Taking over the main window in a frame set of the link setter is not permitted.

Copyright notices and trademark designations may not be changed or removed. The retrieval and use of our website may only be done in a way that does not impair the use of the online offer by other visitors and users. All actions beyond this in connection with our internet presentation require our prior written permission.

Access to trade or professional legal regulations 
Any specific professional legal regulations can be found in the Federal Legal Information System at

The fundamental direction of the website
This website provides information about products and services offered by our company. 

No warning without prior contact
Should the content or presentation of these pages violate the rights of third parties or statutory provisions, we ask for a corresponding message without charging any fees.

We guarantee that the passages rightfully objected to will be removed immediately without the need for you to involve legal counsel. However, costs incurred by you without prior contact will be fully rejected, and if necessary, we will file a counterclaim for violation of the aforementioned provisions.

Limitation of liability:
Except for claims for damages due to the lack of guaranteed characteristics and those under the Product Liability Act, all claims for damages (e.g., from fault in contract negotiations, positive breach of contract, unlawful act) against us are excluded unless they are based on intent or gross negligence of our legal representatives or executive employees, and in other cases, also on intent or gross negligence of our fulfillment and performing agents. In the event of default and impossibility, we are also liable to non-traders for negligence, but only up to the additional expenses for a cover purchase or a replacement performance. For the breach of essential contractual obligations ("cardinal obligations"), we are also liable for simple negligence of our legal representatives and executive employees, but limited to typical and foreseeable damages.

To the extent that Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH is jointly and severally liable with others, it is always liable only subsidiarily in the last place.

Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH is only liable for the loss of data to the extent that it has been backed up in machine-readable form in application-appropriate intervals, but at least once a day.

The above limitations of liability also apply to our legal representatives, executive employees, and fulfillment and performing agents.

This website is subject to Austrian law; for any legal disputes arising from or in connection with this disclaimer and/or any content on this website, the commercial court in Graz shall have jurisdiction, unless mandatory legal provisions dictate otherwise.

The object of the company
Transport of goods

Media owner, publisher, and editor
Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH

Photos and image material:
Spedition “Thomas“
Dagmar Frühauf Photography
Adobe Stock


If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our website, we would be happy to receive your feedback at:

Spedition “Thomas“ GmbH
Management: Karl Frühauf
Puchstrasse 76
A 8020 Graz
email: office[at]

Registered office: Graz
Commercial Register: FN 48240t
Commercial Register Court: Regional Court for ZRS Graz
VAT no. ATU 28658609

Design, Concept:
Hartinger Consulting GmbH
Römerstraße 18
8430 Kaindorf an der Sulm/Leibnitz

Technical Implementation:
Sunlime IT Services GmbH
Dechant Thaller-Straße 39/306
A-8430 Leibnitz
